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Services Provided:

a. We will provide ISBN for your book.
b. We will provide QR Code for your book. 
c. We will design the front cover and back cover for your book.
d. We will provide social networking sites promotion for your book such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.
e. We provide the Journal of American Academic Research  in the USA as your publishing agency for your book.  
f. You will receive a free electronic certificate of book publishing.
g. You will also receive a free electronic certificate from the JAAR editorial review board member.


Services Not Provided:

We don't edit or format your book content and don't provide PDF soft copy for your book. And we don't print out and we don't mail books to your mailing address.  So you need to finish your PDF soft copy by self-editing by using the ISBN we provided. And then you need to print out at your country's local printing center.  

Option B -- JAAR Book Publishing

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