The Effectiveness of Knowledge Management Projects in Achieving Organizational Agility in Business Organizations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Study of Expert Opinions
Published at American Journal of Business Management (AJBM)
Dr. Ebtehal Saleh Freeh Allhidan, Lecturer, Ph.D Scholar
University of Hail, Saudi Arabia
The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of knowledge management projects in achieving organizational agility in business organizations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through a study of the opinions of experts. The study used the content analysis method, in addition to the Delphi technique. The sample of the study consisted of 12 experts in business organizations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A Questionnaire was used as an instrument for collecting information through the preparation of a standard list. The study concluded with a set of results among them: that the less frequent factors, which are less than (25%), due to the limited impact of these factors on knowledge management projects. The results of the first round showed that there is a clear discrepancy in the agreement or disagreement of experts on the basic list of elements of knowledge management projects in business organizations (first round). The results of the study showed that all the factors of knowledge management projects that were evaluated by the experts participating in the Delphi technique obtained a percentage of more than (90%). The sub-elements of the factors of knowledge management projects in business organizations from the point of view of experts have (100%).
From Higher Education into the World of Retail: Dirty Little Secrets
Published at American Journal of Business Management (AJBM)
Dr. Bao N. Tran, Health Sci Advisor/Adjunct Psychology Instructor
Texas, USA
The climate of the higher education sector has shifted from a scholarly model of student success and improvement to a model based on higher education as a consumer product. The purpose of this article is to discuss the institutional conditions by which community college students are treated as retail consumers, with students contributing to their own success in the identification and achievement of their educational goals. The institutional conditions of the community college were categorized as the student-centered campus environment and the transactions of the institutional staff members performing as retail call center agents, mirroring the retail market. Furthermore, the customer service encounter is an important social context for higher education service providers who strive to satisfy their students' need for job competence by delivering excellent customer service to the student consumers. On the other hand, higher education service providers may perceive customer mistreatment as a sign of work-related goal failure.
Physical , Cellular, Psychological and Holistic Treatment of Clinical Disease Caused by Immune Deficiency Syndrome (IDS) **
Published at American Journal of Medical Sciences (AJMS)
Sara Johnson, Ph.D. & Lecturer
Cleveland State University, USA
Previous research only focused on how the disease was diagnosed and how the treatment was employed, but this particular research focused on the physical, cellular, psychological, and holistic treatment of clinical disease caused by immune deficiency syndrome (IDS). As we all know that the immune system protects the body from germs, disease, or other life-threatening problems. However, at a certain period of time, the immune system is lack or gets off track and thus has a weaker or powerless response to all threats to humans. The low performance or low reaction with less activity was called immune deficiency and it makes people unable to response or fight off infections.
The severe result of immune deficiency lead to illness, or even life loss. Some scientists also call this immune deficiency disorder in order to distinct this concept with other similar ones. Primary immunodeficiency (2020) indicated that many people with primary immune deficiency syndrome (IDS) have demonstrated an inborn deficiency or a lifetime missing of some of the body's immune defenses shield or with the immune system not working efficiently. As a result, these people are more susceptible to germs that can cause infections and fatal diseases. Through quasi experimental research, this research coincided with presumptions from previous researchers and it will contribute to the further development of IDD research in the new era. *
The Role of Principal-related Determinants in the Performance of Rural and Urban Colleges in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Published at American Journal of Computer Sciences (AJCS)
Mushtaq Haider Malik, PhD Scholar
Al Ittihad National Private School, UAE
Noman Tahir, Ph.D. Scholar
Gulf College, Oman
The study examines the determinants that affect college performance in rural and urban areas of Pakistan's Azad Jammu and Kashmir province. The current study uses exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression to examine the effect of monitoring, curriculum planning and implementation, development programs, management, and leadership on the performance of colleges in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. The regression analysis demonstrates that monitoring development programs have a favorable and substantial effect on the performance of institutions in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The R-square value of 68.2 percent indicates that performance variance is explained by monitoring, development programs, curriculum planning, leadership, and management. As a result, it is advised that these factors be used to forecast college success.
The impact of Mutual Benefits of Pak-Afghan Transit Trade
Published at American Journal of Economics and Finance (AJEF)
Abdul Qahar Hotak, Associate Professor
Al-Taqwa Institute of Higher Education, Afghanistan
This study investigates the impact of the mutual benefits of the Pak-Afghan transit trade to both the countries, Pakistan and Afghanistan. For the purpose primary data was collected from three involved parties (Transporters, importers and Exporters and clearance agents) for the period (2010-2018). The study concludes that the reasons of declined Pak-Afghan transit trade were delay in transit, insecurity, damage in transit, absence of Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) implementation and low demand in the Afghan market for Pakistani goods, Seasonal increase of tariffs against Afghan natural product by Pakistan government, Afghanistan is securing its local industries for that Afghan government increased duty taxes on Pakistani products. Both the governments are connecting trade with politics for that APTTA is not implementing in its true latter and spirit. The study concluded that Pakistan should allow Afghanistan to do open trade with India, Pakistan should make the customs process easy and should take less time, both the governments must stop the trade and transit goods smuggled back to Pakistan and both the countries should impose minimum tariffs on each other country products.
Transforming Signals of Medical Instruction under the Constructive Research of Related Clinical Practices (CP) with Moderate Consideration of Health Training Revolution **
Published at Journal of American Academic Research (JAAR)
Hayes Knebel, Ph.D. & Lecturer
Pangasinan State University, Philippines
In the field of medical practice, the use of transforming behaviors under the constructive research has radical outcomes in medical instruction. At the heart of such systematic practices lies the position of fully-skilled health care professionals who greatly commit to whatever they are required to achieve. From historical records, the medical instructors were always recognized as unique personnel- whose knowledge, experiences and professional levels were believed to be critical importance for the overall development of medical institutions. Though a lot of empirical investigation were conducted to identify the multiple perspectives on the view of identifying medical instructors as both trainer and researcher, it is still worthwhile to deeply lay insight on what special professional characteristics contributing to the climax of their professional practices. In return, this empirical study plans to bridge the gap and give particular insights of a holistic picture to readers on this problematic issue of medical professional’s mysterious behavior and level of satisfaction through providing sophisticated implications and enriched data analysis. To view and understand the more detailed discussion of current research and practice, one needs to fully engage in the research design, implications and overall practices of the health professions in the case. *
A Study on Effect of Transformational Leadership on Employees’ Innovativeness in Private Sector of Kuwait
Published at Journal of American Academic Research (JAAR)
Mohd Mousa Mustafa Odeh, PhD Scholar
Management and Science University, Malaysia
S. M. FERDOUS AZAM, Lecturer
Management and Science University, Malaysia
Existing transformational leadership techniques have been connected with varying degrees of employee innovativeness, according to leadership theory. Studies show that transformational leadership is related to improved workplace innovativeness. A major part of the research's purpose was to explore the relationship between transformational leadership styles and the inventive potential of workers in the private sector in Kuwait. A quantitative examination was performed to help meet the study's objectives. Questionnaires were given to those who had been chosen from the target demographic of the private sector in Kuwait. A statistical software was used to process the data. Overall transactional leadership and worker's innovativeness were shown to be statistically significantly associated in the study. This study focuses on the Kuwaiti private sector to provide relevant information about private sector human resource management and retention. Additionally, the results are useful for the private sector in the Gulf area, as they assist in facilitating better work-life balance, which leads in improved performance in the workplace.
Environmental Awareness, Knowledge and Attitude of Libyan Secondary School Students Affecting Their Environmental Behaviour
Published at Journal of American Academic Research (JAAR)
Management and Science University, Malaysia
S. M. FERDOUS AZAM, Lecturer
Management and Science University, Malaysia
Environment is widely recognized as a valuable resource by communities worldwide. Environmental protection is viewed as a work that will foster understanding and develop resources for increasing environment sustainability and human knowledge, awareness, and attitudes are important and necessary for the ecosystem's conservation. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of knowledge, awareness and attitudes of the Libyan school students towards environment and Fundamentally, statistical analysis has been used to analyze and evaluate the state of environmental behaviour. This study found that pupils in high secondary schools had a favorable attitude toward the environment. These kids' improved knowledge is linked to their increased sensitivity to environmental problems across a range of scholastic disciplines. Additionally, this research demonstrated that environmental awareness was not only capable of providing students with information but also changing their attitudes toward environmental care. Awareness and attitude form a strong alliance. Changing a student's perspective to one that is more constructive is a tough process that involves a lot of factors. However, education of environment should be introduced in curriculum and environment be preserved in order to elevate its prominence in Libya's development.
Study of the Guiding Values of The Classic of Family Reverence in Promoting College Students’ Ideology and Morality
Published at American Journal of Higher Education (AJHE)
Siyuan Chen
Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, China
Advisor & Corresponding Author
Yaqin He, Associate Professor
Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, China
Moral education plays an important role in the cultivation of contemporary college students’ personality. Since a wave of sinology prevailed, traditional virtues have been mentioned again. And we tend to receive knowledge and nutrients from traditional culture. As an excellent book of traditional Chinese culture, The Classic of Family Reverence has been passed on for many years. Previous studies have shown that the classic has had a huge impact in history. In present society, it also has an impact on us in all aspects. However, in order to promote the inheritance and development of traditional excellent culture, we must explore its guiding values allowing contemporary college students to deepen their understanding of the classic, establish cultural consciousness and cultural confidence, cultivate a good, healthy and progressive personality, create a good harmonious family relationship, and then form a good atmosphere in the society. This paper adopts the way of case study, taking the two groups of the students who have learned The Classic of Family Reverence in our school and those who have not taken the class as the cases. By questionnaire and interviews, it analyzes the guiding values of the book for college students’ ideology and morality. It is found that these guiding values are not only reflected in their thoughts, but also in their action and practice. However, in order to have a deeper understanding of the guiding values of the book, more life observation and interviews are needed.
Fundamental shifts in Strategic Thinking Concepts
Published at Journal of American Academic Research (JAAR)
M. S. S. EL NAMAKI, Ph D & Professor
VU School of Management, Switzerland
Powerful forces of disruption are penetrating the core concepts of strategic thinking and the strategy education industry. .
Traditional strategic thinking literature and instruction material rest on a solid base of concepts developed by authors from Ansoff and Drucker to Porter , Mintzberg and Prahalad. Their concepts lasted for decades and their literature is a standard feature of business school strategy teachings until this very day. Disruptive forces are changing this situation, however, Generic and functional disruptive forces from boundary breaking technologies, and norm shaking sociology to rule breaking economics and unsettling political shifts, have gone a long way towards introducing new paradigm..
The following article provides an attempt at identifying those concepts worn out by new realities or end game concepts, and those others constituting a novel thrust. And the impact of this shift on strategy instruction frameworks.
The article draws a picture of possible future consequences as well. Those include research prospects, curricula implications and competency gaps. This could have far reaching impact on approach and contents of strategic thinking.
The article draws on past work on strategic thinking as well as contemporary work on emerging technologies especially artificial intelligence.
Leadership Behavior in Healthcare Sector During Covid 19 Crisis
Published at American Journal in Health Sciences (AJHS)
Mohamad daaboul, Ph.D.& Assistant Professor
Jinan University, Lebanon
Covid-19 shocked the entire world and was considered one of the biggest crises of the century. It has left a great impact on all areas. Leadership has faced this crisis with all its implications and flaws, and many major challenges have occurred which changed the course of the process with regards to reducing the negative results of Covid-19 pandemic, and many live experiences were clear examples around the world. In fact, many lessons were learned, and a new vision to quickly deal with emergency events after the Covid-19 pandemic.
The new Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has emerged as an unprecedented global humanitarian crisis. In the light of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, rapid and high-impact decisions are required in a limited information environment. Leaders must manage these elements, learn new lessons along the way, and help develop strategies for solving various novel problems to keep their organization running. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare leadership competencies are core competencies for leadership practices in response to a global health crisis.
The influence of the leader and his decisions during this epidemic, the importance of managing the team, and the shortages and failures he faced during this epidemic, all have developed the role of the leader during these difficult times when the leader has increased responsibilities towards the entire workforce, a duty to prepare a system for improving health care, and an obligation to enhance the skills and behaviors needed to help the leader face this crisis in the future, especially since this crisis actually deals with an essential part of human life, which is people’s health and sustainability generating power. Without it, the world is lost.
It was an amazing transformation in many moments of change in which the crisis is an essential part. In a world that is fast-moving and always open to changes in all areas including social, economic, political and health issues, anything can happen at any moment and suddenly. Leaders have faced problems of scale that are spreading to a large number of people in an environment that lacks clear information. However, leaders had no choice but to apply the saying, "When the crisis is there, the real mission of a leader begins."
This research aims to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on challenges and opportunities for leadership in the healthcare sector, in addition to analyzing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the healthcare leadership competencies. Leadership capabilities are essential competencies for leading practices in response to a global health crisis. The influence of a leader and his decision-making during these crises, the importance of his management, the shortage, changes and improvement of leadership in healthcare, lessons learned and the vision of leadership during this pandemic are illustrated.
Fundamental Shifts in Strategic Thinking Concepts
Published at Journal of American Academic Research (JAAR)
M. S. S. EL NAMAKI, Ph D & Professor
VU School of Management, Switzerland
Powerful forces of disruption are penetrating the core concepts of strategic thinking and the strategy education industry. Traditional strategic thinking literature and instruction material rest on a solid base of concepts developed by authors from Ansoff and Drucker to Porter, Mintzberg and Prahalad. Their concepts lasted for decades and their literature is a standard feature of business school strategy teachings until this very day. Disruptive forces are changing this situation, however, generic and functional disruptive forces from boundary breaking technologies, and norm shaking sociology to rule breaking economics and unsettling political shifts, have gone a long way towards introducing a new paradigm. The following article provides an attempt at identifying those concepts worn out by new realities or end game concepts, and those others constituting a novel thrust. And the impact of this shift on strategy instruction frameworks. The article draws a picture of possible future consequences as well. Those include research prospects, curricula implications and competency gaps. This could have far-reaching impact on approach and contents of strategic thinking. The article draws on past work on strategic thinking as well as contemporary work on emerging technologies especially artificial intelligence.
The Impact of Small and Medium Scale Enterprise Encouragement on Unemployment: Disentangling the Role of AGSMEIS Loan in Employment, Evidence From Nigeria
Published at American Journal of Economics and Finance (AJEF)
Nnaemeka Nathaniel Obasi, PhD & Director of Research/Innovation
F&I Oil and Gas Lagos, Nigeria
Field of Expertise: Development Economics
The aim of this study is to examine the impact of small and medium scale enterprise encouragement on unemployment in Nigeria. It further examines the role of Agriculture Small and Medium Enterprises Investment Scheme (AGSMEIS) loan in employment. In the first, this research uses co-integration with vector error correction and Granger causality techniques, while variance decomposition and impulse response are used to add rigour. Correlation matrix and diagnostic tests are conducted to ascertain whether the results are biased. The empirical evidence from the normalised long run equilibrium indicates that small and medium scale enterprise encouragement is negatively related to unemployment. While, economic growth is positively related to unemployment. This could be due to corruption in the management of the economic growth which depletes resources that should have been channelled to job creating projects. The short run dynamics supports the co-integration results by being appropriately signed and statistically significant. The Granger causality result indicates that small and medium scale enterprises encouragement does not Granger cause unemployment. Result further shows that economic growth does not Granger cause unemployment in the short run. Results from the diagnostic tests suggest that the long run and the Granger causality results are not biased. In the second research aim investigation, our study uses logistic regression analysis. Result shows that Agriculture Small and Medium Enterprises Investment Scheme (AGSMEIS) loan contributes to employment. Thus, good policies/schemes should be put in place to assist the SMEs. Government should set up anti corruption body to ensure resources from economic growth are channelled to macro-economic development.
Influence of Mother Tongue as a Supplementary Medium of Instruction on Secondary School Students’ Learning Outcomes in Physics
Published at Journal of American Academic Research (JAAR)
ADEDAYO, Julius Olugbenga, Ph.D. & Senior Lecturer
Ekiti State University, Nigeria
Babalola, Joseph Olurotimi, Ph.D. & Associate Professor
Ekiti State University, Nigeria
This study is an empirical research that investigated the influence of mother tongue as a supplementary medium of instruction on secondary school students’ learning outcome in physics. Two research questions were generated while there were three hypotheses formulated to guide the study. The research adopted a quasi-experimental design of the pretest, post-test non randomized control group type. The sample consisted 120 secondary school Physics students class 2, who were selected through multistage sampling technique across the 16 Local Government Areas of Ekiti State, Nigeria. The selection of the sample put into consideration those with Yoruba (a native language) as their mother tongue since the students are from multiethnic groups. The instrument used for data collection was a test instrument titled ‘Physics Students’ Achievement Test’ (PSAT) which was subjected to face and content validity and reliability tests. The reliability test of re-test method yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.73, making the instrument to be reliable for the study. The data obtained were subjected to descriptive analysis of frequency counts and percentages to answer the research questions raised which t-test statistics was employed to analyse the hypotheses formulated at 0.05 level of significant. The findings of the study revealed that the performance and attitude of students can be improved when mother tongue is used as a supplementary medium of instruction in Physics and that there is no significant difference in the performance of male and female students when mother tongue is used as a supplementary medium of instruction in Physics. It is therefore recommended among others that mother tongue should be introduced as a supplementary medium of instruction in Physics while publishers and author of Physics textbooks should venture into writing contents in the mother tongue.
Interstitial Ectopic Pregnancy, A Case Report
Published at American Journal of Medical Sciences (AJMS)
Hina Kanwal, MRCOG, MRCPI & FCPS- Clinical Fellow Obstetrics and Gynaecology
St. Luke's General Hospital Kilkenny - Ireland
Naveen Usman, MRCOG- Senior Clinical Fellow Obstetrics and Gynaecology
St. Luke's General Hospital Kilkenny - Ireland
Sundas Zafar, MRCOG- Clinical Fellow Obstetrics and Gynaecology
St. Luke's General Hospital Kilkenny - Ireland
Sadia Anwar, Clinical Fellow Obstetrics and Gynaecology
St. Luke's General Hospital Kilkenny - Ireland
Conrad Marco Cusnaider, Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology
St. Luke's General Hospital Kilkenny - Ireland
Background: Interstitial or cornual pregnancy is a rare condition, accounting for 2% to 3% of ectopic pregnancies and is being considered non-viable. It has serious implications because of huge risk of complications such as uterine rupture and massive bleeding, which usually occur before 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Results: The authors reported a case of a 40-year-old woman with complaints of left iliac fossa pain and vaginal bleeding associated with amenorrhea for five weeks and positive beta human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Transvaginal ultrasound and laparotomy were performed, confirming the diagnosis of interstitial ectopic pregnancy. The patient underwent a left salpingectomy and cornuostomy, evolving with clinical improvement and hospital discharge.
Conclusion: It is difficult to make a clinical diagnosis of cornual ectopic pregnancy. Its diagnosis is challenging most of the time when patient presents with atypical symptoms. Management is generally surgical. Our patient had cornuostomy and salpingectomy with no postoperative morbidity.
Thinking of Improving the Design and Performance of Artificial Aircraft (AA) under the Constructive Perception of UFO's Demonstration of Flying Without the Influences of Thermal Effects
Published at American Journal of Engineering Sciences (AJES)
Dawei Liu, Senior Researcher
Henan Province, China
Since human beings entered the supersonic era in aircraft technology, and then successfully launched satellites and spacecraft into the space age, the hazards of thermal effects to aircraft have been trapping aircraft designers. The current research aims at finding ways to strengthen the heat insulation layer or use high-temperature resistant metals to resist the danger to the aircraft caused by heat wave. In the Chelyabinsk meteorite explosion event, UFO chased the meteorite burning with thermal effect, causing the meteorite to explode into pieces, but left safely. Examples have proved that UFOs are not afraid of thermal effects, and with its unique geometric shape, it can be inferred that UFOs can achieve non-thermal flight. Through summarizing the literature review and reviewing recent examples, it reveals that the performance of artificial aircraft can be gradually improved based on the characteristics and geometric shape of UFO, and this reference and analogy proves that spacecraft and other aircraft can be taken into account with the function of non-thermal flight.
Chinese Abstract
自从人类在飞机技术上进入到超音速时代, 继而成功发射卫星及宇宙飞船进入太空时代,热效应对飞行器产生的危害一直困绕着飞行器设计人员. 当前的研究旨在寻找加强隔热层或使用耐高温金属的方法来抵御热浪对飞行器造成的危险. 车里雅宾斯克陨星爆炸事件,UFO追撞热效应燃烧的陨星,致使陨星爆炸成碎未,却安然离去. 实例证明,UFO并不畏惧热效应,凭借其独特的几何形状,专家可以推断不明飞行物可实现无热效飞行. 通过研究文献综述和列举实例表明,依据UFO特质和独特形态,可逐步提升人造飞行器飞行性能,并以此类推证明宇宙飞船等飞行器可兼顾做到无热效应飞行.
Globalization, New Managerialism, and Global Disturbance: The Changing Academic Climate in the Multiple Dimensions of World’s Higher Education **
Published at American Journal of Higher Education (AJHE)
Natal Wolhuter, Research Scholar
Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
In view of the trends in global higher education, Altbach, Reisberg, Liz (2019) pointed out that providing higher education to all aspects for a country’s general population means confronting social inequalities completely rooted in history, culture, social and economic structure which may influence each individual to compete in society. By investigating the changing nature of the academic profession in contemporary society, the researcher narrowed down the research scope of this particular article to globalization, new managerialism, and global disturbance: the changing academic climate in the dynamic dimension of world’s higher education. First of all, the researcher globalization, new managerialism, and global disturbance by citing extensive references and self-interpretation. Second, the author reviewed the basic literature in the recent educational field and illustrated how to improve the cognitive recognition of the basic concepts mentioned. By comparing the two distinctive schools of academic assertions, the author skillfully left the research questions for readers to doubt, dispute, reflect, summarize and conclude. It is envisioned by the author that in the future comparative work on trends in higher education, researchers should take particular attention on both the practical aspects and the methodological aspect based on extensive research and deduction. *
Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Among Healthcare Workers: A Transformative and Fundamental Technology in the Medical Field **
Published at American Journal of Computer Sciences (AJCS)
Takashi Suzuki, Ph.D. & Researcher
Kansai University, Japan
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the similarity of human intelligence that is processed by some systems. In Schönberger (2019), AI was perceived as the most transformative and fundamental technology in the 21st century. Even in the medical field, AI gradually gained momentum and started to lead the trend of gradually changing the infrastructure of medical practices. With the practical nature of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as well as Machine learning, deep learning, and image processing work in the field of medical imaging, AI will totally change our perspective in healthcare work and it will definitely benefit the real life of healthcare. As we can also witness from the current society in the modern era that in every aspect of medical fields, medical practitioners are employing advanced AI technology to take care of patients, make medical decisions for patients and family members. With the fast development of AI technology in the medical field, healthcare work will embrace a prosperous and fruitful future. *
Effects of Biochemically Triggered Heat Stress (BTHS) on Crop Plants: A Futuristic Perspective **
Published at American Academic Journal of Agriculture (AAJA)
Amal Ali, Ph.D. Scholar
University of Karachi, Pakistan
Extensive Heat Stress (EHS) is defined as an important environmental stress which confines plant growth, development, metabolism, fruition, and productivity on the worldwide scale (Hasanuzzaman & Nahar, 2013). Plant growth development and productivity actually concerns countless biochemical interaction and reactions that are sensitive to temperature. Gradually rising environmental temperature is the key component for environmental control, which is in advance of most perilous abiotic stress. Nanotechnology, viewing the agricultural sectors, have captured intensive research efforts because of their distinctive properties and numerous applications. A field trial was performed to evaluate the effect of HHS levels on growth, yield and quality of crop under heat stress. The plant measurements were made for heat induced changes on osmolytes accumulation, lipid peroxidation, oxidative stress and antioxidative response, seed nutrient and yield attributes at flowering stage. Among all sowing dates, the crop which was sown on March 7, 2018 (First sowing date), statistically performed better than other sowing dates although foliar application of 20 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles ameliorate mungbean performance under both, no heat and heat induced environments. *
Constructive Analysis of Ideology and Discourse: A Critical Review of News Coverage and Ratings **
Published at Journal of American Academic Research (JAAR)
Richard Garcia, Ph. D. & Lecturer
Montana State University, USA
According to TEUN (2007), contrary to most traditional descriptive methods, ideologies are hereby defined within a multidisciplinary framework which unites social, cognitive and discursive sub-components. The current study shaded a critical look at the news reports of the Saudi Arabia. Previous research has focused on media ratings which pays to ideology and public opinion. However, it also has been described how changing in media discourse affects the process. This study analyzed the 20 news reports originated from Saudi Arabia using the method of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). The results show that the differences in the reports using variation patterns which in turn possess the potential of changing and monitoring readers` ideologies and thinking patterns via influencing their opinions and world view on the nature of power relations and interactional activities. The current research tries to contribute to the area of research on media discourse and ideology construction by arguing that discourse variation has not been sufficiently defined and interpreted. An effort will also be made to offer tentative resorts of such dynamic variation. *
Comprehensive Effects of Biochar Application: A Sustainable and Holistic Method to Achieve the Increase of Crop Production **
Published at American Academic Journal of Agriculture (AAJA)
Joseph Moore, Ph.D. & Assistant Professor
University of Exeter, UK
The current research focused on the comprehensive effects of Biochar application and how to achieve sustainable increase in the production of agricultural crop production. From previous research, we can see that maltreatment of inorganic fertilizers has become non -sustainable or increasingly not affordable in many areas of agricultural practice around the world due to loss of soil erosion, soil fertility, and increased fertilizer cost. Furthermore, fertilizers which are chemical in nature also polluting soil, water and air and pose many toxic products in living communities. Since the increasing fertilizer cost and urban sprawl, which quickly decrease the agricultural farm and quality of soilj, an alternative method was required to achieve sustainability in agricultural crop production. Biochar is this kind of alternative and well-recognized method by scientists because of its major role in carbon sequestration, decreasing the emissions of greenhouse gases, waste management, renewable sources of energy and a rich source of nutrients as an amendment in soil. Studies in this research demonstrated that Biochar was a reliable and porous solid charcoal-similar material, with rich carbon obtained from the pyrolysis of various organic material e.g., farm and forest and chicken litter. The current critical review summarizes about biochar production through comparison, application and influence on soil physicochemical properties, as well as interaction with the soil microorganisms, the key role in the soil after amendment with mobilizing bacteria, effects in the reduction in greenhouse gases and metal contamination and its positive and negative impacts on plant growth and yield attribute when biochar was operated in the soil. *
Effectiveness of Mass Communication in Changing Human Behavior: The Impact and Result of Strategical Analysis of SNSs Application on Social Events **
Published at American Journal of Human Resource Management (AJHRM)
Charles Davis, Ph.D. Scholar
Robert Gordon University, UK
This paper aims at finding out the effectiveness of mass communication in changing human behavior and how SNSs Application could possibly strategically change the social events. The researcher started the article by summarizing the current category of SNSs and reviewing the current controversies of SNSs application. Then based on the literature review and data analysis, the researchers posted challenging questions about misconduct of social networking tools in the field of mass communication. One of the unsolved problems remains on how to define mass media and mass communication in the 21st century with rich tech and artificial intelligence. And how to encourage the community to get involved in communications planning, disseminating communication information and achieving the goal of mass communications. *
Considerations for Home and Community-Based COVID-19 Pandemic: The Undiscovered Consequences Among Iranian Startups **
Published at American Journal in Health Science (AJHS)
Robert Johnson, Ph.D.
University of Richmond, USA
Due to the allocation of health resources and services, it is commonly believed that community-based protection and prevention is very effective to cut off Covid-19 transmission at the beginning stage. Recent years, the COVID-19 abrupt outbreak has become a major concern with substantial effects on markets, and the world economy. The impact of COVID-19 is assessed to be even more than all the previous global pandemic. In this short-term, due to the impacts of this pandemic, startups are more prone to fail or succeed faster than ever before; however, the challenges they face are not yet clearly scrutinized, as the pandemic was faster than scholars. This study therefore investigates the main challenges of Iranian startups by interviewing the co-founders of fifteen well-known startups. The two-step coding was used to analyze findings and these findings were explained in a focus group session to which startup co-founders, policymakers, and scholars were invited. It was concluded, six principal types of challenges are major concern by this pandemic, including, human resources management, support measures financial and marketing, mechanisms, crisis management, and few others. The research will have great impact and influence on alleviating the current emergent situation. *
Education, Knowledge and Economy in the Triangle of Recent Urban Development: The Case for New Entrepreneurs under Constraints of Neoliberalism and Higher Education Matrix **
Published at American Journal of Higher Education (AJHE)
Rosemary Williams, Ph.D. and Instructor
Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada
Michael Brown, Ph.D.
Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada
Education opportunity is considered to be one of the most valuable factors in the economic development and employee retain rate. This particular research will demonstrate how the co-effect of education, knowledge and economy will influence recent urban development. The domination of neoliberalism and the connected discourses of new public management during the 1990s to 2000s has introduced a fundamental uplift in the way of higher education in universities and other institutions. Each has defined and justified their institutional existence. The old professional culture of intellectual enquiry and examination has been replaced with institutional new performativity, as evidenced by the emergence of an emphasis on measured outputs: on planned development, student performance, quality assurance measures and academic credit and audits. This paper identified the links between neoliberalism and globalization as well as neoliberalism and the knowledge economy. According to it, in a global neoliberal environment, the role of higher education in economic development is governed by governments as having greater importance to the extent that higher education has become the new star ship in the policy fleet for governments around the world. Universities are the basic driver for economic knowledge and as a consequence higher education institutions have been encouraged to develop links with industry. The recognition of the economic importance of higher education for economic viability is necessary to promote greater entrepreneurial skills and develop the new performative measures to enhance output to achieve targets. This paper attempts to document these trends at the level of both political philosophy and economic theory. The author believes that the research result will give the light in the research of education, economy and urban development. *
Increasing Optimal Efficiency of Crop Production under the Negative Influence of Global Greenhouse Effect **
Published at American Academic Journal of Agriculture (AAJA)
Bradley Smith, Ph.D. & Assistant Professor
Pepperdine University, USA
The Green Revolution in 1960s enabled a sharp increase of the production of major staple grain crops (wheat, corn, rice, etc) to solve the ever-increasing demands of an increasing global population growing with geometric numbers. This article focused on how to increase the optimal efficiency of crop production under the impact of global greenhouse effect. We understand that the climate change effects have advanced in the past decade, there are still gaps in knowledge regarding the potential impacts of climate change on agriculture. These gaps are especially wide when it comes to specialized cultivation systems such as those of fruit and vegetable, which globally provide a high contribution to the human diet. To fill these gaps, we need a multifaceted approach that integrates physiology and genomics tools and might thus provide comprehensive answers, aiming at future needs. The increase in atmospheric CO2 is one of the main drivers of the climate changes and the increase of the global temperature. The CO2 molecule is also an essential nutrient for plants and increases in its concentration in the atmosphere have the potential to improve plant productivity (Leisner, 2020). However, optimizing the repose of plants to the increase in CO2 is a challenge due to its complex interaction with the regulation of stomata, transpiration and the efficiency of water use, issues discussed in detail in open stomata agriculture by Fara et al. 2019. The cultivation of crops with high productive potential and with greater resilience to biotic and abiotic stresses is seen as one of the methods with the greatest potential for obtaining higher yields, reducing the use of pesticides and without increasing the cultivated areas. Advances in genomics revolutionized and accelerated plant breeding. This will continue as costs decrease and more advanced methods are developed and applied. This was discussed by Gomes et al. 2020, in the characterization of a germplasm bank of Cucurbita moschata D. where they described the genetic relationships of agro-morphological characteristics, with the purpose of identifying early flowering genotypes, genotypes with high total levels of carotenoids in the fruit pulp and those with high potential for seed productivity and seed oil. There is an urgent need to support resilient and sustainable agriculture and the path is implementing cultivation practices and identifying new genes for agriculture. These genes should be directed to the optimization of production, mainly for the development of characteristics such as greater efficiency in the use of water, aspect fundamental in the current scenario, aiming at greater productive efficiency, less energy input and less risks to the environment. *
Positive and Negative Benefits of Flaxseed as an Organic Food Source During the Period of Sustainable and Strategic Development **
Published at American Academic Journal of Agriculture (AAJA)
Süleyman Özberk, Ph. D. and Lecturer
Cukurova University, Turkey
Flaxseed was cultivated in Babylon in around many centuries ago and many people consider it as one of the most powerful plant foods on the planet (Magee, 2020). When Traced back to history, we can also realize that flaxseed can be used to treat diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke and all kinds of cancer. The application of flaxseed was highlighted by scientists and medical workers for many centuries. However, the valuable effects of flaxseed was always underestimated to a large degree, and even people who are working in the specific field can not cognitively associate the benefits of flaxseed with the treatment of certain disease. Thus, the waste of flaxseed was unnoticed when it comes over-consumption and non-effective consumption. This article will enumerate both the positive side and the negative side of flaxseed which will benefits sustainable development as an organic food source. After a systematic comparison and analysis, the conclusion was drawn naturally with statistic analysis and logic induction as scientific collaboration. *
Comparing Obesity in Urban and Rural Area Based on Demographic Factors and How Obesity Negatively Influence People’s Life Quality and Educational Level **
Published at American Journal in Health Science (AJHS)
Chukwunonso Ogbeide, Ph.D. Scholar & Lecturer
University of Benin. Nigeria
According to recent research done by Zibima, S. B., Wasini, K. B., & Oniso, J. I. (2020), obesity is dramatically increasing year by year and it was consider one of the most severe life-threatening fatal diseases globally by the end of 2020. The fact is that obesity itself may not be dangerous, but the complications related to obesity can be deadly or fatal in a great extent. Though many researchers have had extensive research in this field, only a few compared the scientific data from unban area with which from the suburban area. The goal of this research is first, to employ scientific data, research, and analysis with the goal of raising public awareness for people who are within the high-risk group and try to rescue them by informing them of the basic knowledge of obesity’s origin, prevention, danger, threatening, and treatment. Second, the realistic purpose for this research is comparing obesity in urban and rural area based on demographic factors and how obesity negatively influence people’s life quality and educational level. A questionnaire was obtained from 200 attendees and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for the scientific analysis of the data. The research results confirmed the doubts and anxiety of the severely negative influence of obesity on educational achievements, human life quality, life expectancy at present and in the future. *
Contemporary Research on Synthesis Methods of Metal-organic Frameworks (MOFs) **
Published at American Journal of Chemical Science (AJCS)
Shawna Pochipinski, Ph. D. & Lecturer
University of Abuja, Nigeria
Abdulkadir Bamisaye, Ph. D. & Assistant Professor
Abia State University, Nigeria
Recent years, the research on Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are countless yet no previous research focused on MOF on the basis that they are a class of hybrid network of supramolecular solid materials composed of organized organic linkers and metal cations. This research paper displayed enormously high surface areas with tunable pore size and fitful functionality, and it can be applied to the hosts for a range of guest molecules. After the thorough discovery research, MOFs have experienced widespread exploration for their applications in gas storage, drug delivery and sensing. An ultimate goal of the current research is to better understand the two-sided effects of MOF membranes and the research result showed significant positive proofs. The preliminary conclusion is that MOFs can be regarded as a reusable merging of solid acids and organic polymers in the area of construction and industrial foundation. This article synthesized the functionality of MOFs with unique perspective and the research implications are of great importance in further discovering and advancing the practical development of chemical science. *
Understanding Our Mind Through Guidance: How Philosophy Enables Us to Perceive the World and Master Human Mind **
Published at American Journal of Philosophy Quarterly (AJPQ)
Keith Jardine, Ph.D. & Assistant Professor
University of Central Missouri, USA
Carlos Knoll, Ph.D. Scholar
University of Central Missouri, USA
The current research is understanding our mind: how philosophy enables us to perceive the world and master human mind. As we all know, designing a study about the thinking pattern to investigate how minds work while thinking is the mind in conversation with itself. The central model stated that the mind is the core mode of self-interrogation in psychotherapy and psychology built on philosophical precepts. Both Socratic dialogue and stoicism are evident in the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT). CBT and especially REBT instruct people to examine and dispute their beliefs and thus to tolerate unpleasant feelings—shades of Epictetus. The connection is bidirectional: The most perplexed evidence showed that people's psychological positions on philosophical questions in the center of the free-will existence are significantly influenced by their individual temperament and personality rather than cognitive ability. Future research will explore related philosophical questions which remain for human beings to further discover. *
From Western Culture to Eastern Culture: A Dialogic Perspective on the Holistic Overview of Chinese Culture and American Culture **
Published at Journal of American Academic Research (JAAR)
Wenbin Xue, Ph. D. & Lecturer
China University of Mining & Technology, China
Due to globalization, the clear-cut contrast between Chinese culture and American culture was blurred through constant cultural dialogue and interaction. Culture is complex and multidimensional. It is in fact too complex to define a certain culture in simple terms and rough definition. Kroeber and Kluckhohn in 1952 identified over 160 different definitions of culture. One of the earliest widely cited definitions by Tylor in 1887 defines culture as “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by human as a member of society.” With a dialogic perspective, this article investigated the differences and common features between western culture and eastern culture by observing the holistic overview of specific culture in China and in America. The research result confirms our hypothesis. The research also suggested that people in modern era should view distinct culture with more tolerance, appreciation and respect. New culture should be redefined with respect to historical facts, linguistic uniqueness and differences in customs. *
Research Review: Practical Research on Applications of MOFs for Gas Storage **
Published at American Journal of Chemical Science (AJCS)
Jack Willough, Ph. D. & Director of Research
University of New Orleans, USA
Nancy Evans, Ph. D. & Lecturer
University of New Orleans, USA
Recent years, research on MOF application showed positive tendency in MOF effects on gas storage. However, current researchers conducted a serious investigation and found the previous research had obvious flaws in over-generalization. Several options are available for storing gases effectively, but these mostly require high-pressure tanks and multistage compressors. Such methods are highly expensive for practical uses and there is a need for them to be substituted by simple and less expensive solutions. In an attempt to overcome these issues and to find safer storage methods, several materials, like zeolites or activated porous carbons, have been studied for gas storage. However, MOFs have outperformed most of these traditional materials in terms of gas storage, separation and industrial application. Easy synthetic procedures, high surface area, wide opportunities for functionalization and tunable pore structures make MOFs preferable compared with other porous materials. This article reviews studies of storage applications for important gases like H2, CO2, CH4, CO, NO, hydrocarbons etc. within MOFs, with a brief description of the factors responsible for effective storage. The current researcher hopes that this research result could be reevaluated and reinstated in order to avoid practical losses. *
Applied Linguistics Revisited: Can University Students Improve English Language Skills in a “Hybrid-Method-Setting” in a Remote Area in Mainland China **
Published at American Journal of Applied Linguistics (AJAL)
Xiaobin Zhang, Ph. D. & Associate Professor
Shanxi Normal University, China
The current research on applied linguistics provided us a new perspective on language acquisition and this research will solve the research question: Can University Students Improve English Language Skills in a “Hybrid-Method-Setting” in a Remote Area in Mainland China? We selected 100 students from English linguistics major class and trained them through different techniques in the classroom. Teachers give them training materials and specific instruction in learning and performances. Then instructors gave insightful suggestions for English-as-a-second-language learners (ESLs) on how to improve their English language skills from the perspective of applied linguistics and cognitive linguistics; The research yielded constructive result which has far-reaching impact on English teaching and learning activities with meaningful findings, First result revealed that students should be mentally prepared to engage in practical exercises and be ready to active participation in the classroom. Second, students should often attend specific seminar and question answer session to obtain the expected level of language skills during the process of language application. In addition, authentic motivation, deep interest and collaboration are also key factors which positively influence the final achievement of language acquisition. *
The Critical Perspectives in Efficiently Managing and Evaluating Corporate Employee Conducts, Operation Risks and Policy Optimization with the Help of Practical Real-world Examples, Empirical Research Result and Employees' Cooperation **
Vincent Griffin, Ph.D. & Assistant Professor
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
In recent years, research on assessing employee behavior, operational risk, and policy optimization has gradually increased. But how to use the practical real-world examples, the experience of research results and the cooperation of employees, as three effective means, effectively manage and evaluate the risk of employee behavior, operation and policy optimization is comparatively rare. This research article combines real-life examples and empirical survey methods to achieve optimal management and evaluation on the corporate employee behavior, operational risk and policy optimization so that the company's employees' work capacity improves, behavior standardized, and product quality promoted. This research will serve as an inspirational guide for the future development and prosperity of modern enterprises. *
Contributing Factors in Determining Balance Between Job Opportunities, Job Employment and Job Satisfaction in European Countries **
Craig Henderson , Ph.D. & Assistant Professor
University of Houston, USA
Nowadays, due to the harsh competition in job market, job opportunities declines year by year. Even if people were employed, the benefits for job and the satisfaction in job decrease. How to balance between Job opportunities, job employment and job satisfaction in European countries remains critical changes to be reasonably resolved. This research aims to discover contributing factors in determining balance between job opportunities, job employment and job satisfaction in European countries and the implication was also disclosed at the end of the article. *
Practice Guideline of Patient Treatment under Protection of Scientific Interventions ---A Tentative Assumption of Medical Research **
Ali Flores, Ph.D. & Lecturer
Future University in Egypt, Egypt
Raymond Nelson, Ph.D. & Assistant Professor
Adelphi University, USA
Recent years of research in patient intervention treatment has made great breakthrough and the study in this field also shifted from theoretical hypothesis to practical treatment process. This specific study will introduce the practical guideline of patient treatment process and result under the protection of scientific intervention to ensure the safety and security of the progress of the practice. With examples, research survey, the author also revealed the possible direction of future medical research and the research findings and implications were also discussed. *